  1. Read in the ChickWeight dataset. This data is from an experiment on the effect of diet on early growth of chicks. Call it chicks.
chicks <- datasets::ChickWeight
  1. Reshape to wide format using pivot_wider. Use the arguments names_from = Time and values_from = weight. Call the new data chicks_wide.
chicks_wide <- chicks %>% pivot_wider(names_from = Time, values_from = weight)
# A tibble: 50 × 14
   Chick Diet    `0`   `2`   `4`   `6`   `8`  `10`  `12`  `14`  `16`  `18`  `20`  `21`
   <ord> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 1     1        42    51    59    64    76    93   106   125   149   171   199   205
 2 2     1        40    49    58    72    84   103   122   138   162   187   209   215
 3 3     1        43    39    55    67    84    99   115   138   163   187   198   202
 4 4     1        42    49    56    67    74    87   102   108   136   154   160   157
 5 5     1        41    42    48    60    79   106   141   164   197   199   220   223
 6 6     1        41    49    59    74    97   124   141   148   155   160   160   157
 7 7     1        41    49    57    71    89   112   146   174   218   250   288   305
 8 8     1        42    50    61    71    84    93   110   116   126   134   125    NA
 9 9     1        42    51    59    68    85    96    90    92    93   100   100    98
10 10    1        41    44    52    63    74    81    89    96   101   112   120   124
# ℹ 40 more rows
  1. Filter the data so that time 0 is <= 40 and time 21 >= 200. Reassign to chicks_wide.
chicks_wide <- chicks_wide %>% filter(`0` <= 40 & `21` >= 200)
# A tibble: 9 × 14
  Chick Diet    `0`   `2`   `4`   `6`   `8`  `10`  `12`  `14`  `16`  `18`  `20`  `21`
  <ord> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2     1        40    49    58    72    84   103   122   138   162   187   209   215
2 21    2        40    50    62    86   125   163   217   240   275   307   318   331
3 25    2        40    49    62    78   102   124   146   164   197   231   259   265
4 28    2        39    46    58    73    92   114   145   156   184   207   212   233
5 29    2        39    48    59    74    87   106   134   150   187   230   279   309
6 36    3        39    48    61    76    98   116   145   166   198   227   225   220
7 46    4        40    52    62    82   101   120   144   156   173   210   231   238
8 48    4        39    50    62    80   104   125   154   170   222   261   303   322
9 49    4        40    53    64    85   108   128   152   166   184   203   233   237
  1. Select columns Chick, Diet, 0, and 21. Reassign to chicks_wide.
chicks_wide <- chicks_wide %>% select(Chick, Diet, `0`, `21`)
# A tibble: 9 × 4
  Chick Diet    `0`  `21`
  <ord> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2     1        40   215
2 21    2        40   331
3 25    2        40   265
4 28    2        39   233
5 29    2        39   309
6 36    3        39   220
7 46    4        40   238
8 48    4        39   322
9 49    4        40   237
  1. Reshape to long format using pivot_longer. Pivot the numeric columns. Use the arguments names_to = and values_to =. Call the data chicks_long.
chicks_wide %>% pivot_longer(c(`0`, `21`), names_to = "Time", values_to = "weight")
# A tibble: 18 × 4
   Chick Diet  Time  weight
   <ord> <fct> <chr>  <dbl>
 1 2     1     0         40
 2 2     1     21       215
 3 21    2     0         40
 4 21    2     21       331
 5 25    2     0         40
 6 25    2     21       265
 7 28    2     0         39
 8 28    2     21       233
 9 29    2     0         39
10 29    2     21       309
11 36    3     0         39
12 36    3     21       220
13 46    4     0         40
14 46    4     21       238
15 48    4     0         39
16 48    4     21       322
17 49    4     0         40
18 49    4     21       237