Data Input


  • Part 0: A little bit of set up!
  • Part 1: reading in manually (point and click)
  • Part 2: reading in directly & working directories
  • Part 3: checking data & multiple file formats

Data Input: readr

read_delim() and read_csv() from the readr package

# example for character delimited:
read_delim(file = "file.txt", delim = "\t")
# comma delimited:

Data Input

  • The filename is the path to your file, in quotes
  • The function will look in your “working directory” if no absolute file path is given
  • Note that the filename can also be a path to a file on a website (e.g. ‘’)


Data Input

The read_delim() and related functions return a “tibble” is a data.frame with special printing, which is the primary data format for most data cleaning and analyses.

[1] "spec_tbl_df" "tbl_df"      "tbl"         "data.frame" 

Check to make sure you see the new object in the Environment pane.

Data Input

There are also data importing functions provided in base R (rather than the readr package), like read.delim and read.csv.

These functions have slightly different syntax for reading in data, like header and

However, while many online resources use the base R tools, recent versions of RStudio switched to use these new readr data import tools, so we will use them here. They are also up to two times faster for reading in large datasets, and have a progress bar which is nice.

Data Input: readr

read_table() from the readr package, allows any number of whitespace characters between columns, and the lines can be of different lengths.

# example for whitespace delimited :
read_table(file = "file.txt")

Clean the data while you read it in!

Some data have different values for NA. We can account for that from the start!

vacc <- read_csv(
vacc_na <- read_csv(
  na = '"NaN"'

Check out the difference

# A tibble: 3 × 4
  `State/Territory/Federal Entity` `Total Doses Delivered` `People with at least One Dose by State of Residence` `Percent of Total Pop with at least One Dose by State of Residence`
  <chr>                            <chr>                   <chr>                                                 <chr>                                                              
1 United States                    "644652095"             "247695845"                                           "\"NaN\""                                                          
2 Alaska                           "\"NaN\""               "480353"                                              "65.7"                                                             
3 Alabama                          "8622020"               "\"NaN\""                                             "59.3"                                                             
# A tibble: 3 × 4
  `State/Territory/Federal Entity` `Total Doses Delivered` `People with at least One Dose by State of Residence` `Percent of Total Pop with at least One Dose by State of Residence`
  <chr>                                              <dbl>                                                 <dbl>                                                               <dbl>
1 United States                                  644652095                                             247695845                                                                NA  
2 Alaska                                                NA                                                480353                                                                65.7
3 Alabama                                          8622020                                                    NA                                                                59.3

Clean the data while you read it in!

The argument trim_ws removes trailing and leading spaces around your data.

# example:
read_csv(file = "file.txt", trim_ws = TRUE)

Data Input - working directories

What if your file is in the “Home” directory?


Data Input

Backtrack using the relative path with ../ like:

ufo <- read_csv("../ufo_data_complete.csv.gz")

Data Input

Or, read in from a subfolder:

ufo <- read_csv("data/ufo/ufo_data_complete.csv")
Warning: One or more parsing issues, call `problems()` on your data frame for details, e.g.:
  dat <- vroom(...)
Rows: 88875 Columns: 11
── Column specification ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (10): datetime, city, state, country, shape, duration (hours/min), comments, date posted, latitude, longitude
dbl  (1): duration (seconds)

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

Check the data + other formats

Check the data out

  • Some functions to look at a data frame:
    • head() shows first few rows
    • tail() shows the last few rows
    • View() shows the data as a spreadsheet
    • spec() gives specification of column types
    • str() gives the column types and specs
    • glimpse() similar to str (dplyr package)

What did I just read in?

  • nrow() displays the number of rows of a data frame
  • ncol() displays the number of columns
  • dim() displays a vector of length 2: # rows, # columns
[1] 88875
[1] 11
[1] 88875    11

All Column Names

  • colnames() displays the column names
 [1] "datetime"             "city"                 "state"                "country"              "shape"                "duration (seconds)"   "duration (hours/min)"
 [8] "comments"             "date posted"          "latitude"             "longitude"           

Structure using str()

spc_tbl_ [88,875 × 11] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ datetime            : chr [1:88875] "10/10/1949 20:30" "10/10/1949 21:00" "10/10/1955 17:00" "10/10/1956 21:00" ...
 $ city                : chr [1:88875] "san marcos" "lackland afb" "chester (uk/england)" "edna" ...
 $ state               : chr [1:88875] "tx" "tx" NA "tx" ...
 $ country             : chr [1:88875] "us" NA "gb" "us" ...
 $ shape               : chr [1:88875] "cylinder" "light" "circle" "circle" ...
 $ duration (seconds)  : num [1:88875] 2700 7200 20 20 900 300 180 1200 180 120 ...
 $ duration (hours/min): chr [1:88875] "45 minutes" "1-2 hrs" "20 seconds" "1/2 hour" ...
 $ comments            : chr [1:88875] "This event took place in early fall around 1949-50. It occurred after a Boy Scout meeting in the Baptist Church"| __truncated__ "1949 Lackland AFB&#44 TX.  Lights racing across the sky &amp; making 90 degree turns on a dime." "Green/Orange circular disc over Chester&#44 England" "My older brother and twin sister were leaving the only Edna theater at about 9 PM&#44...we had our bikes and I "| __truncated__ ...
 $ date posted         : chr [1:88875] "4/27/2004" "12/16/2005" "1/21/2008" "1/17/2004" ...
 $ latitude            : chr [1:88875] "29.8830556" "29.38421" "53.2" "28.9783333" ...
 $ longitude           : chr [1:88875] "-97.9411111" "-98.581082" "-2.916667" "-96.6458333" ...
 - attr(*, "spec")=
  .. cols(
  ..   datetime = col_character(),
  ..   city = col_character(),
  ..   state = col_character(),
  ..   country = col_character(),
  ..   shape = col_character(),
  ..   `duration (seconds)` = col_double(),
  ..   `duration (hours/min)` = col_character(),
  ..   comments = col_character(),
  ..   `date posted` = col_character(),
  ..   latitude = col_character(),
  ..   longitude = col_character()
  .. )
 - attr(*, "problems")=<externalptr> 

Data Input

  • Sometimes you get weird messages when reading in data.
  • The problems()` function shows you any issues with the data read-in.
# A tibble: 6 × 5
    row   col expected   actual     file                                                                                
  <int> <int> <chr>      <chr>      <chr>                                                                               
1   878    12 11 columns 12 columns /Users/avahoffman/Dropbox/JHSPH/Data-Wrangling_SISBID/data/ufo/ufo_data_complete.csv
2  1713    12 11 columns 12 columns /Users/avahoffman/Dropbox/JHSPH/Data-Wrangling_SISBID/data/ufo/ufo_data_complete.csv
3  1815    12 11 columns 12 columns /Users/avahoffman/Dropbox/JHSPH/Data-Wrangling_SISBID/data/ufo/ufo_data_complete.csv
4  2858    12 11 columns 12 columns /Users/avahoffman/Dropbox/JHSPH/Data-Wrangling_SISBID/data/ufo/ufo_data_complete.csv
5  3734    12 11 columns 12 columns /Users/avahoffman/Dropbox/JHSPH/Data-Wrangling_SISBID/data/ufo/ufo_data_complete.csv
6  4756    12 11 columns 12 columns /Users/avahoffman/Dropbox/JHSPH/Data-Wrangling_SISBID/data/ufo/ufo_data_complete.csv
[1] 199   5

Data input: other file types

  • For reading Excel files, you can do one of:
    • use read_excel() function from readxl package
    • use other packages: xlsx, openxlsx
  • haven package has functions to read SAS, SPSS, Stata formats

Selecting Excel sheets

Use the sheet argument to indicate which sheet to pull from. It can refer to the sheet’s index or name.

# example:
read_excel(file = "file.xlsx", sheet = 2)
read_excel(file = "file.xlsx", sheet = "data")

After hours of cleaning… output!

Data Output

While its nice to be able to read in a variety of data formats, it’s equally important to be able to output data somewhere.

write_delim(): Write a data frame to a delimited file write_csv(): Write a data frame to a comma-delimited file

This is about twice as fast as write.csv(), and never writes row names.

Data Output

For example, we can write back out just the first 100 lines of the ufo dataset:

first_100 <- ufo[1:100,]
write_delim(first_100, file = "ufo_first100.csv", delim = ",")
write_csv(first_100, file = "ufo_first100.csv")

More ways to save: write_rds

If you want to save one object, you can use readr::write_rds to save to a compressed rds file:

write_rds(ufo, file = "ufo_dataset.rds", compress = "xz")

Read it back in:

ufo_new <- read_rds(file = "ufo_dataset.rds")

More ways to save: save

The save command can save a set of R objects into an “R data file”, with the extension .rda or .RData.

x = 5
save(ufo, x, file = "ufo_data.rda")

The opposite of save is load.

load(file = "ufo_data.rda")

Summary & Lab

  • Use read_delim(), read_csv(), read_table() for common data types
  • These have helpful trim_ws and na arguments!
  • read_excel() has the sheet argument for reading from different sheets of the Excel file
  • Many functions like str(), View(), and glimpse() can help you understand your data better
  • Save your data with write_delim() and write_csv()