Data Wrangling in R
In general, data cleaning is a process of investigating your data for inaccuracies, or recoding it in a way that makes it more manageable.
Read in data or download from:
ufo <- read_delim(
delim = ",")
Warning: One or more parsing issues, call `problems()` on your data frame for details,
dat <- vroom(...)
Rows: 88875 Columns: 11
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (10): datetime, city, state, country, shape, duration (hours/min), comme...
dbl (1): duration (seconds)
ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
You saw warning messages when reading in this dataset. We can see
these with the problems()
function from
If we scroll through we can see some interesting notes.
Rows: 200
Columns: 5
$ row <int> 878, 1713, 1815, 2858, 3734, 4756, 5389, 5423, 5614, 5849, 60…
$ col <int> 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 1…
$ expected <chr> "11 columns", "11 columns", "11 columns", "11 columns", "11 c…
$ actual <chr> "12 columns", "12 columns", "12 columns", "12 columns", "12 c…
$ file <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "…
# A tibble: 5 × 4
expected actual col n
<chr> <chr> <int> <int>
1 11 columns "12 columns" 12 196
2 a double "0.5`" 6 1
3 a double "2631600 " 6 1
4 a double "2`" 6 1
5 a double "8`" 6 1
[1] "datetime" "city" "state"
[4] "country" "shape" "duration (seconds)"
[7] "duration (hours/min)" "comments" "date posted"
[10] "latitude" "longitude"
Rows: 88,875
Columns: 11
$ datetime <chr> "10/10/1949 20:30", "10/10/1949 21:00", "10/10/…
$ city <chr> "san marcos", "lackland afb", "chester (uk/engl…
$ state <chr> "tx", "tx", NA, "tx", "hi", "tn", NA, "ct", "al…
$ country <chr> "us", NA, "gb", "us", "us", "us", "gb", "us", "…
$ shape <chr> "cylinder", "light", "circle", "circle", "light…
$ `duration (seconds)` <dbl> 2700, 7200, 20, 20, 900, 300, 180, 1200, 180, 1…
$ `duration (hours/min)` <chr> "45 minutes", "1-2 hrs", "20 seconds", "1/2 hou…
$ comments <chr> "This event took place in early fall around 194…
$ `date posted` <chr> "4/27/2004", "12/16/2005", "1/21/2008", "1/17/2…
$ latitude <chr> "29.8830556", "29.38421", "53.2", "28.9783333",…
$ longitude <chr> "-97.9411111", "-98.581082", "-2.916667", "-96.…
The slice function can show us particular row numbers
# A tibble: 4 × 5
row col expected actual file
<int> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 30894 6 a double "2`" ""
2 39616 6 a double "8`" ""
3 45691 6 a double "2631600 " ""
4 65125 6 a double "0.5`" ""
The slice function can show us particular row numbers
Rows: 1
Columns: 11
$ datetime <chr> "2/2/2000 19:33"
$ city <chr> "bouse"
$ state <chr> "az"
$ country <chr> "us"
$ shape <chr> NA
$ `duration (seconds)` <dbl> NA
$ `duration (hours/min)` <chr> "each a few seconds"
$ comments <chr> "Driving through Plomosa Pass towards Bouse Loo…
$ `date posted` <chr> "2/16/2000"
$ latitude <chr> "33.9325000"
$ longitude <chr> "-114.0050000"
Now we have a chance to keep but clean these values! We will read in
duration (seconds)
now as a character type. Use
to see documentation about special ways of
reading in data.
url <-
ufo <-read_csv(url, col_types = cols(`duration (seconds)` = "c"))
Warning: One or more parsing issues, call `problems()` on your data frame for details,
dat <- vroom(...)
Looks like an extra column for these rows.
# A tibble: 1 × 4
expected actual col n
<chr> <chr> <int> <int>
1 11 columns 12 columns 12 196
Our previous problematic rows have values instead of NAs
Rows: 1
Columns: 11
$ datetime <chr> "2/2/2000 19:33"
$ city <chr> "bouse"
$ state <chr> "az"
$ country <chr> "us"
$ shape <chr> NA
$ `duration (seconds)` <chr> "2`"
$ `duration (hours/min)` <chr> "each a few seconds"
$ comments <chr> "Driving through Plomosa Pass towards Bouse Loo…
$ `date posted` <chr> "2/16/2000"
$ latitude <chr> "33.9325000"
$ longitude <chr> "-114.0050000"
Multiply by negative one to drop the rows. Use the slice
function to “select” those rows based on the index. Need to offset for
because problems()
gives us the index row
based on the raw data, not the read in data (which has a header). We
will multiple by negative one to select out those rows as well.
# A tibble: 2 × 5
row col expected actual file
<int> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 878 12 11 columns 12 columns ""
2 1713 12 11 columns 12 columns ""
[1] 877 1712 1814 2857 3733 4755
[1] -877 -1712 -1814 -2857 -3733 -4755
[1] 196
# A tibble: 1 × 3
expected actual n
<chr> <chr> <int>
1 11 columns 12 columns 196
function from the
package [1] "datetime" "city" "state"
[4] "country" "shape" "duration (seconds)"
[7] "duration (hours/min)" "comments" "date posted"
[10] "latitude" "longitude"
[1] "datetime" "city" "state"
[4] "country" "shape" "duration_seconds"
[7] "duration_hours_min" "comments" "date_posted"
[10] "latitude" "longitude"
within mutate...
recode(variable, value_old = value_new,
other_value_old = other_value_new)
Rows: 88,679
Columns: 11
$ datetime <chr> "10/10/1949 20:30", "10/10/1949 21:00", "10/10/1955…
$ city <chr> "san marcos", "lackland afb", "chester (uk/england)…
$ state <chr> "tx", "tx", NA, "tx", "hi", "tn", NA, "ct", "al", "…
$ country <chr> "us", NA, "Great Britain", "us", "us", "us", "Great…
$ shape <chr> "cylinder", "light", "circle", "circle", "light", "…
$ duration_seconds <chr> "2700", "7200", "20", "20", "900", "300", "180", "1…
$ duration_hours_min <chr> "45 minutes", "1-2 hrs", "20 seconds", "1/2 hour", …
$ comments <chr> "This event took place in early fall around 1949-50…
$ date_posted <chr> "4/27/2004", "12/16/2005", "1/21/2008", "1/17/2004"…
$ latitude <chr> "29.8830556", "29.38421", "53.2", "28.9783333", "21…
$ longitude <chr> "-97.9411111", "-98.581082", "-2.916667", "-96.6458…
ufo_clean %>% mutate(country =
gb = "Great Britain",
us = "United States")) %>%
Rows: 88,679
Columns: 11
$ datetime <chr> "10/10/1949 20:30", "10/10/1949 21:00", "10/10/1955…
$ city <chr> "san marcos", "lackland afb", "chester (uk/england)…
$ state <chr> "tx", "tx", NA, "tx", "hi", "tn", NA, "ct", "al", "…
$ country <chr> "United States", NA, "Great Britain", "United State…
$ shape <chr> "cylinder", "light", "circle", "circle", "light", "…
$ duration_seconds <chr> "2700", "7200", "20", "20", "900", "300", "180", "1…
$ duration_hours_min <chr> "45 minutes", "1-2 hrs", "20 seconds", "1/2 hour", …
$ comments <chr> "This event took place in early fall around 1949-50…
$ date_posted <chr> "4/27/2004", "12/16/2005", "1/21/2008", "1/17/2004"…
$ latitude <chr> "29.8830556", "29.38421", "53.2", "28.9783333", "21…
$ longitude <chr> "-97.9411111", "-98.581082", "-2.916667", "-96.6458…
# A tibble: 6 × 2
country n
<chr> <int>
1 au 593
2 ca 3266
3 de 112
4 gb 2050
5 us 70293
6 <NA> 12365
regions to create a new variable based on
conditions of other variablescase_when(test ~ value if test is true,
test2 ~ vlue if test2 is true,
TRUE ~ value if all above tests are not true) # defaults to NA
ufo_clean <- ufo_clean %>% mutate(
region = case_when(
country %in% c("us", "ca") ~ "North America",
country %in% c("de") ~ "Europe",
country %in% "gb" ~ "Great Britain",
TRUE ~ "Other"
ufo_clean %>% select(country, region) %>% head()
# A tibble: 6 × 2
country region
<chr> <chr>
1 us North America
2 <NA> Other
3 gb Great Britain
4 us North America
5 us North America
6 us North America
- another exampleThe TRUE
value can also just be the original values.
ufo_clean %>% mutate(country = case_when(
country == "gb" ~ "Great Britain",
country == "us" ~"United States",
country == "au" ~ "Australia",
country == "DE" ~ "Germany",
TRUE ~ country))%>%
Rows: 88,679
Columns: 12
$ datetime <chr> "10/10/1949 20:30", "10/10/1949 21:00", "10/10/1955…
$ city <chr> "san marcos", "lackland afb", "chester (uk/england)…
$ state <chr> "tx", "tx", NA, "tx", "hi", "tn", NA, "ct", "al", "…
$ country <chr> "United States", NA, "Great Britain", "United State…
$ shape <chr> "cylinder", "light", "circle", "circle", "light", "…
$ duration_seconds <chr> "2700", "7200", "20", "20", "900", "300", "180", "1…
$ duration_hours_min <chr> "45 minutes", "1-2 hrs", "20 seconds", "1/2 hour", …
$ comments <chr> "This event took place in early fall around 1949-50…
$ date_posted <chr> "4/27/2004", "12/16/2005", "1/21/2008", "1/17/2004"…
$ latitude <chr> "29.8830556", "29.38421", "53.2", "28.9783333", "21…
$ longitude <chr> "-97.9411111", "-98.581082", "-2.916667", "-96.6458…
$ region <chr> "North America", "Other", "Great Britain", "North A…
makes exact swapscase_when
can use conditionals, need to specify what
value for if no conditions are met (can be the original value of a
variable if we use the variable name).Sometimes country
is NA
even though
is known. A conditional more flexible recoding would
be helpful…
# A tibble: 6 × 12
datetime city state country shape duration_seconds duration_hours_min
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 10/10/1949 20:30 san … tx us cyli… 2700 45 minutes
2 10/10/1949 21:00 lack… tx <NA> light 7200 1-2 hrs
3 10/10/1955 17:00 ches… <NA> gb circ… 20 20 seconds
4 10/10/1956 21:00 edna tx us circ… 20 1/2 hour
5 10/10/1960 20:00 kane… hi us light 900 15 minutes
6 10/10/1961 19:00 bris… tn us sphe… 300 5 minutes
# ℹ 5 more variables: comments <chr>, date_posted <chr>, latitude <chr>,
# longitude <chr>, region <chr>
Looking at city… it seems like many of these are in fact in the US.
# A tibble: 2 × 3
country state n
<chr> <chr> <int>
1 us tx 3742
2 <NA> tx 299
# A tibble: 299 × 1
1 lackland afb
2 mercedies
3 texas city/galveston
4 houston/tomball
5 bettendorf
6 dallas/ft. worth (mansfield)
7 halletsville
8 gulf of mexico
9 haltom
10 aubrey/frisco
# ℹ 289 more rows
# A tibble: 2 × 3
country state n
<chr> <chr> <int>
1 us ut 659
2 <NA> ut 138
# A tibble: 138 × 1
1 canyonlands np
2 ogden/clinton
3 sandy
4 salt lake valley
5 sandy
6 duchenne
7 west valley
8 salt flats
9 west valley
10 west valley
# ℹ 128 more rows
[1] "ak" "al" "ar" "az" "ca" "co" "ct" "dc" "de" "fl" "ga" "hi" "ia" "id" "il"
[16] "in" "ks" "ky" "la" "ma" "md" "me" "mi" "mn" "mo" "ms" "mt" "nc" "nd" "ne"
[31] "nh" "nj" "nm" "nv" "ny" "oh" "ok" "or" "pa" "pr" "ri" "sc" "sd" "tn" "tx"
[46] "ut" "va" "vt" "wa" "wi" "wv" "wy"
[1] "ab" "bc" "mb" "nb" "nf" "ns" "nt" "on" "pe" "pq" "qc" "sa" "sk" "yk" "yt"
[16] NA
[1] "bc" "la" "ms" "nc" "ns" "nt" "ri" "sk" "tn" "wv" "yt" NA
A small overlap with US states.
[1] "al" "dc" "nt" "oh" "sa" "wa" "yt" NA
Some overlap with US states.
The setdiff()
function can show us what is unique or
different for the first of 2 listed sets.
[1] 1 2
[1] "a" "b"
[1] "ak" "al" "ar" "az" "ca" "co" "ct" "dc" "de" "fl" "ga" "hi" "ia" "id" "il"
[16] "in" "ks" "ky" "la" "ma" "md" "me" "mi" "mn" "mo" "ms" "mt" "nc" "nd" "ne"
[31] "nh" "nj" "nm" "nv" "ny" "oh" "ok" "or" "pa" "pr" "ri" "sc" "sd" "tn" "tx"
[46] "ut" "va" "vt" "wa" "wi" "wv" "wy"
[1] "al" "dc" "nt" "oh" "sa" "wa" "yt" NA "bc" "la" "ms" "nc" "ns" "nt" "ri"
[16] "sk" "tn" "wv" "yt" NA "ab" "bc" "mb" "nb" "nf" "ns" "nt" "on" "pe" "pq"
[31] "qc" "sa" "sk" "yk" "yt" NA
[1] "ak" "ar" "az" "ca" "co" "ct" "de" "fl" "ga" "hi" "ia" "id" "il" "in" "ks"
[16] "ky" "ma" "md" "me" "mi" "mn" "mo" "mt" "nd" "ne" "nh" "nj" "nm" "nv" "ny"
[31] "ok" "or" "pa" "pr" "sc" "sd" "tx" "ut" "va" "vt" "wi" "wy"
# A tibble: 4 × 2
country n
<chr> <int>
1 au 593
2 ca 3266
3 de 112
4 gb 2050
Let’s make an assumption that if the state value is within the data as a state for a specific country, than it comes from that country for the sake of illustration.
ufo_clean <- ufo_clean %>% mutate(prob_country =
case_when(( & state %in% c(US_states)) ~ "United States",
( & state %in% c(CA_states)) ~ "Canada",
( & state %in% c(AU_states)) ~ "Australia",
( & state %in% c(GB_states)) ~ "Great Britain",
TRUE ~ country))
# A tibble: 10 × 2
prob_country n
<chr> <int>
1 Australia 694
2 Canada 536
3 Great Britain 5296
4 United States 5838
5 au 593
6 ca 3266
7 de 112
8 gb 2050
9 us 70293
10 <NA> 1
Take a look at those NAs.
# A tibble: 1 × 13
datetime city state country shape duration_seconds duration_hours_min
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 10/25/1997 22:00 st. … vi <NA> light 8 5-8 secds
# ℹ 6 more variables: comments <chr>, date_posted <chr>, latitude <chr>,
# longitude <chr>, region <chr>, prob_country <chr>
[1] "berlin (germany)"
[2] "berlin (germany)"
[3] "obernheim (germany)"
[4] "ottersberg (germany)"
[5] "urbach (germany)"
[6] "bremen (30 km south of) (germany)"
[7] "sembach (germany)"
[8] "magdeburg (germany)"
[9] "neuruppin (germany)"
[10] "lampertheim (germany)"
[11] "ramstein (germany)"
[12] "bremen (germany)"
[13] "nurenburg (germany)"
[14] "senftenberg (germany)"
[15] "schwalmtal (germany)"
[16] "neuss (germany)"
[17] "babenhausen (germany)"
[18] "berlin (germany)"
[19] "mittenwald (germany)"
[20] "ransbach-baumbach (germany)"
[21] "ansbach (germany)"
[22] "miesau (germany)"
[23] "bensheim (germany)"
[24] "muenster (germany)"
[25] "chemnitz (germany)"
[26] "kirchzell (germany)"
[27] "bremen (germany)"
[28] "wildflecken (germany)"
[29] "munich (germany)"
[30] "baumholder (germany)"
[31] "zirndorf (west germany)"
[32] "hamburg (germany)"
[33] "langenleiten (germany)"
[34] "baumholder (germany)"
[35] "zehdenick (germany)"
[36] "hanau (germany)"
[37] "berlin (germany)"
[38] "aachen (near cologne) (germany)"
[39] "munich (oberschliessheim army airfield) (germany)"
[40] "munich (near) (germany)"
[41] "bremen (germany)"
[42] "berlin (germany)"
[43] "bad pyrmont (germany)"
[44] "freiburg (germany)"
[45] "frankfurt am main (germany)"
[46] "siegen (germany)"
[47] "erlangen (germany)"
[48] "koblenz (westerwald mountains near) (germany)"
[49] "osnabruck (germany)"
[50] "kelsterbach (germany)"
[51] "trier (germany)"
[52] "thulba (germany)"
[53] "elbingen (germany)"
[54] "bocholt (germany)"
[55] "emmelshausen (germany)"
[56] "darmstadt (germany)"
[57] "stuttgart (germany)"
[58] "berlin (germany)"
[59] "ansbach (germany)"
[60] "frankfurt (germany)"
[61] "dresden (germany)"
[62] "mainz (germany)"
[63] "werder (havel) (germany)"
[64] "schweinfurt (west germany)"
[65] "emlichheim (germany)"
[66] "staufen (germany)"
[67] "neuseddin (potsdam)(germany)"
[68] "mannheim (west germany)"
[69] "schafhausen (germany)"
[70] "berlin (germany)"
[71] "erfurt (thuringia, germany)"
[72] "munich (germany)"
[73] "waldorf (west germany)"
[74] "bamberg (germany/bavaria)"
[75] "fulda (near) (germany)"
[76] "hamburg (germany)"
[77] "ansbach (germany)"
[78] "dresden (germany)"
[79] "bierenbachtal (germany)"
[80] "kassel (germany) (on highway)"
[81] "bamberg (germany)"
[82] "maugenhard (germany)"
[83] "aschersleben (germany)"
[84] "regensburg (germany)"
[85] "berlin (germany)"
[86] "berlin (germany)"
[87] "ramstein (germany)"
[88] "bochum (germany)"
[89] "mainz (germany)"
[90] "berlin (germany)"
[91] "neumarkt (germany)"
[92] "munich (germany)"
[93] "biesenthal (germany)"
[94] "haus (germany)"
[95] "freiburg (germany)"
[96] "obernheim (germany)"
[97] "weissenburg (germany)"
[98] "bitburg (germany)"
[99] "berlin (germany)"
[100] "heidelberg (germany)"
[101] "hannover (germany)"
[102] "schwetzingen (germany)"
[103] "buchholz (germany)"
[104] "cologne (germany)"
[105] "weiden (ne bavaria) (germany)"
[106] "grafenhausen (germany)"
[107] "heilbronn (germany)"
[108] "gelsenkirchen (germany)"
[109] "neckarsulm (germany)"
[110] "kelsterbach (germany)"
[111] "mannheim (germany)"
[112] "kaiserlautern (germany)"
ufo_clean <- ufo_clean %>% mutate(prob_country =
( & state %in% c(US_states)) |
country == "us" ~ "United States",
( & state %in% c(CA_states)) |
country == "ca" ~ "Canada",
( & state %in% c(AU_states)) |
country == "au" ~ "Australia",
( & state %in% c(GB_states)) |
country == "gb" ~ "Great Britain",
country == "de" ~ "Germany",
TRUE ~ country))
We would want to confirm what we recoded with the cities and latitude and longitude, especially to deal with the overlaps in the state lists.
# A tibble: 10 × 3
country prob_country n
<chr> <chr> <int>
1 au Australia 593
2 ca Canada 3266
3 de Germany 112
4 gb Great Britain 2050
5 us United States 70293
6 <NA> Australia 694
7 <NA> Canada 536
8 <NA> Great Britain 5296
9 <NA> United States 5838
10 <NA> <NA> 1